
  1955 to 1986  


    Unfortunately, death is a part of life. We always want it to happen later than sooner. It breaks our heart when we hear of someone passing. It is especially hard when it is someone you know. Until the invention of the internet, people had to rely on word of mouth or the press to find out that someone has passed. With the invention of the internet and now social media, we are now able to find out about the deaths.


Everyone cherishes their yearbook. However, many alumni members have lost their yearbook. Many years has been scanned and turned into PDF files that people can download. There is several years available and adding more as time permits.


Click here to access the Yearbooks



 For information on upcoming reunions.




        If your an alumni and have a business, you can post it on here (within reason).

Madison High School Alumni Association

Click here to access alumni websites or businesses


Standing proudly there before us,
With your glory all around;
Truth and justice be your watchword,
And may you in love abound.

Open wide your doors of knowledge
Welcome all who enter here;
Gain in wisdom, joy and honor.
Stand for all we hold most dear.

( chorus)

Madison High we love you dearly;
Proudly do we hail your name;
May your name go on before us
Into life's great hall of fame

Written by Sharon Lee Graham Class of 57

If you would like to contribute to this website, Donate via PayPal to  Jesse B Hutton  jessebhutton@comcast.net